Creating and Managing Storymap Containers


Each Gem project is built upon a nested hierarchy of containers designed to allow you to organize your narratives at scale. The hamburger menu located on the left-side of each container object provides options for creating, deleting, renaming, and moving your containers.

Episodes, Scenes, and Lanes can be created via the containers, or by using the + button at the top of the editor.

Please note, that Lanes added via the + button will be added to the actively selected Episode/Scene.



Episodes: Episodes are the highest level container. To create a new episode, click on the episode dropdown. This dropdown also allows you to switch between episodes.

Scenes: Scenes are the middle level of containerization, which contain Lanes. 

Lanes: Lanes are the first level of containerization, which you use to actually build and write your story. Clicking on a Lane will render it ‘Active’. This is indicated by the entire lane container turning blue. When a Lane is active, the Storymap will render, and you will be able to begin creating.

Modes: Modes are a ‘pseudo-container’, and are not represented in the catalog. You can use modes to organize like-with-like Lanes within a scene.

Multi-Selection: You can select additional Lanes to render both of them in the Storymap simultaneously at any time. This can be done with a shift-click on the Lane object. Shift-clicking again will deselect it. When more than one Lane is present in the Storymap, you can copy and paste content between them.
