Glossary of Terminology

Glossary of Terminology

Gem has a number of moving parts. This glossary can help users seek clarification on various tools and functions of the Gem editor, and its various modules.

  • Branch node
    • Branch nodes are used to indicate a diverging path in your narrative, whether it be used to present multiple dialogue options to a player, or set up a treacherous scenario with multiple solutions
  • Breakdown
    • Available from your Tools menu when the script editor is open, Breakdown mode is used to tag and label game assets from the script content. To tag multiple items to a single piece of text.
  • Callback
    • Callbacks are prefabricated structures which can be used to create branches with conditions applied based on existing radio and boolean variables.
    • To create a callback, right-click on a sequence node to bring up the context menu, and select ‘callback’ from the ‘add’ flyout.
  • Catalog
    • All assets relating to and generated by the project will appear in the project Catalog. This includes entries for each node, character, and asset tagged.
  • Container
    • Containers refer to the Episodes, Scenes, Modes, and Lanes that make up the structure of the project.
  • Connection
    • Connections are the links between nodes, indicated by an arrow from the origin node to the destination. Users can draw connections between unlinked nodes via the Tools menu
  • Conditions
    • Users can define a set of conditions required to progress beyond certain points of the narrative. 
    • Conditions are made up of rules, called “Literals,” which are defined by the user and can be made up of variables, assets, or other conditions.
  • Draw
    • The draw function allows users to create links between nodes on the story map. Activate the feature from the Tools menu when no script is open, then click & hold on the node you wish to create the link from, and drag it to the destination node, then release. 
  • Episode
    • The top-level container of a project. Episodes are containers for Scenes, and their sub-containers.
  • Heatmap
    • The Heatmap can be used to locate where variables exist in the project. Users can define the criteria for the heatmap, similarly to setting variables as literals when creating conditions
  • History
    • Accessible via the ‘File’ menu, users can revert back to any previous save of the project. Users may also set entries as ‘Favorites,’ or rename entries by clicking the label and updating the title.
  • JSON
    • JSON is an open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and arrays. WIthin the context of Gem, however, the project JSON contains all info relating to your project. Users may export the project JSON in order to migrate the contents into their engine of choice. Users may also import properly formatted JSON files into projects, which will update the project to reflect the contents of the JSON file.
  • Lane
    • Lanes are the containers that serve as home to your project Storymaps.
  • Literal
    • Literals are the rules that make up your conditions. 
  • Lock Node
    • Users can lock nodes via the context menu, preventing further edits of said sequence.
  • Mode
    • “Pseudo containers” that can be nested within a Scene, and can hold Lanes.
  • Multi-tag (See Breakdown)
    • When breaking down parts of the script, users may tag multiple assets from a single piece of text content.
  • Node
    • Nodes are the building blocks of your Storymap. Various node types include Sequences, Branches, and Portals
  • Playthrough
    • Playthrough can be launched from the File menu, and can let users play a text-based interactive version of the project, where users can make choices as they go.
  • Portal
    • Portals can be used to bring the player to any other sequence in the project, regardless of the rest of the narrative, and bypassing any necessary logic.
  • Prompt
    • An automated branch structure, which can be used to quickly set up scenarios in which the player makes a choice. Variables can be defined automatically, via the prompt generator as well, which will assign a radio variable with a generic title
  • Reports
    • The Reports module offers a number of various report types to reference, as well as edit contents of the project. Reports include the Structure Report, Sequence Report, Dialogue Report, and Catalog Report. 
  • Scene
    • Scenes are sub-containers of Episodes, and contain Lanes, or Modes (which themselves contain Lanes).
  • Sequence
    • Sequences are the most commonly used node. Double-clicking on a Sequence node on the Storymap will surface the Script Editor
  • Sharable Link
    • Generates a read-only link to the project, which may then be shared to users without requiring the need for a Celtx account, or using up a seat on your team.
  • Storymap
    • Your main workspace, the Storymap is where you’ll build out the structure of your narrative using various node types, and connections.
  • Template
    • Users can create node templates that will recreate the same structure without carrying over any content or data. To create templates, users may highlight a selection of nodes, then right click to open the context menu, and select the “create template” option. The user will give the template a title, and will then be added to the template menu, available via the context menu. To delete a template, click the “X” displayed on the preview window for the custom template.
  • Variables
    • Variables allow users to apply logic to sequences, which can then be called back to in other areas of the project.
  • Visualization Settings
    • These settings determine the look and behavior of the nodes on your storymap.